Electrolytic Motorstart Capacitor
Electrolytic Motorstart Capacitors from Falcon Capacitors are built to last. Used for motor starting torque and allows a motor to be continuously cycled on and off rapidly, start capacitors from Falcon Capacitors do their job excellently. Start capacitors remain in the circuit to bring the motor to a predecided speed.
Capacitance Range
20 to 300 Mfd
Temperature Range
-30 °C/+70°C
Rated Voltage Range
Surge Voltage Range
Power Factor
8% Max at 50 Cycle/Sec. and Rated Voltage
Duty Cycle
20 Start per hour max. Each start not more than 3 seconds
Insulation Voltage
With Stand minimum 2000V/3 Min. between terminal-to-Case
Shelf Life
One Year